I finished a sinewave animation and there's a demonstration page that displays various sinewave videos made during production. The results are surprisingly dynamic. The fun part of this project involved writing a Common Lisp program for generating the sinewaves and this required a few things in addition to writing a sinewave function. There are functions for drawing circles and connecting lines. There's a class for generating exponential curves...
It'll be appearing in a video. Something To Come Undone, dir. Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli, 2010
Here are two tiny code pieces from sinewave.lisp. 'Live on, Common Lisp!
(defmethod coords-to-canvas (coords rgba (canvas image-canvas))
(mapcar #'(lambda (xy)
(pixel-to-canvas xy rgba canvas))
(defmacro when-inside (frame bgn end &body body)
`(when (and (>= ,frame ,bgn)
(<= ,frame ,end))